S.P. Apparels Ltd

Creating long term value in a balanced and responsible manner


Our Objective to return back to the nature what we consume.

Our Approach

As a Company SP Apparels Limited has a role to play in addressing the sustainability issues. Our approach to sustainability is guided by a sense of purpose to create value for the long term, by managing our business in a balanced and responsible way. We do this through our sustainability pillars.

  • Responsible production
  • Sustainable business
  • Creating social impact

GHG Emission Reduction Disclosures

We S.P.APPARELS LTD have set a green house gas emissions target covering our scope 1 & 2 emissions in line with the latest criteria and recommendations of the SBTi which supports the ambition of the Paris Agreement in limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celcius above pre-industrial levels.

Baseline year: 2023
Target Year: 2033
Percentage emissions reduction target: 54.60

We confirm that the Tier 1 and Tier 2 manufacturing sites we contract with have set green house gas emissions reduction targets covering the manufacturing sites' Scope 1 & 2 emissions, in line with the latest criteria and recommendations of the SBTi.

Responsible Production

Our manufacturing activities plays a critical role in directing and unlocking opportunities that support sustainable development. We stand by our stake holders who are motivated to make a positive impact, for example, in the areas of renewable energy, green buildings, sustainable production and procurement systems and using alternatives for scarce materials.

As stakeholders, society raise their expectations for businesses to deliver sustainable solutions for our planet, we see opportunities in production solutions that can help meet those expectations. We seek to address the environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) challenges by making investments and support responsibly wherever required.

Our approach to responsible manufacturing provides a point of reference, outlining our sustainability commitments and the expectations we have of our customers, forming the basis of our corporate business relationships.

Sustainable business

We endeavour to help all our stake holders in the industries such as suppliers, energy providers and other stakeholders for a low-carbon economy, leveraging on green solutions for a meaningful sustainable impact.

Creating Social impact

We seek to be a force for good by supporting social enterprises, businesses in giving back to the communities in which we operate.


  • We procure power majorly from renewable energy solution companies.
  • Planting trees in all our factories.
  • Saplings to all our employees.